Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crimson and Clover.

Good god how I loath shark week. It's not the constant leaking of blood or the occasional pop of tissue from deep within the female cradle of life. It's not even the water that I retain or the zit that burst through my skin like a fart bubble rising to the surface of the water. It's the fucking CRAMPS! I swear I've been in labor the last three days with no sign of it easing. The constant ache and random sharp pains is enough to make a girl want to shank her co-workers. Taking enough pain pills to numb Godzilla doesn't seem to be working and the only thing that was starting to help (hot tub at the YMCA) was short lived. My cramps lasted into the wee hours of the night. I woke up sometime around 1AM and turned Avatar off and they were gone.

In other news I saw the funniest thing on Monday. I was just about home and I happened to look to the right at a guy on a bike. I could see that he was trying to use his cell phone and ride at the same time. Next thing you know this dude drops his phone on the cement and in a fuss to stop his bike and or pick up his phone this guy proceeds to fly over his handlebars. Face first, this spaz is flying through the air and lands on the grass for two stunt like rolls before standing up. The best part of this was when he punched his fist into the other hand because he was just so pissed of at himself. He violently grabs at his bike and cell and starts off again. Fuckin retard...


  1. Ha! That guy's a queer. And I told you I would massage you in places to make your cramps feel better. But you were busy sitting on the ground, puttin' your socks on. DAMN IT!

  2. I've never heard it refered to as "shark week" before, but I am SO stealing that now :-) ! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Avatar does that to me too. It always ends when I stop watching.
